日韩第一页在线,亚洲一区二区三区在线播放,在线永久免费观看的毛片,国产 欧美 日韩 在线,欧美日韩国产一区,亚洲精品午夜国产va久久成人

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An overview of electronic hanging scale, electronic hanging scale is the object in suspended state of the mass (weight) measurement of electronic weighing instrument, called electronic hanging scale. Require the use of occasions must have electric hoist, generally used for steel mill, rolling mill, steel mills, Kaiping frying plate plants, bridges, plant, heavy machinery factory, dock etc..

What is called wireless transmission hook scale? Wireless hook scale refers to the scale body and the display is split, weighing data through wireless transmission to display.

Wireless printing method using electronic steelyard:
1 boot / reset: automatic reset after the implementation of self test, do not affect the original set of options.
2 shutdown / cancel: in the state of the main screen from the role of the shutdown, the other screen can cancel the current operation.
3 backlight / confirmation: in the main screen press the confirmation key can be in weight, detailed weight information, time switch. In other shape
State to confirm the current operating function. Under any condition to maintain a more than one second can be lit up the background light, 8 seconds after the automatic shutdown. According to the above three seconds keep off automatically confirm the light background light after 5 minutes. Repeat the above operation or reset to close the background light. Note: the background light is relatively power consumption, please do not need to open the background light, in order to improve the battery usage time.
4 check / delete: the main screen under the inspection key to enter the inspection screen, in the Chinese character input from the input of the characters or Chinese
Word function.
5 settings: the main screen can be set to enter the settings screen, in the Chinese character input can play the role of input method switch.
6 set zero: to make the current display weight of 0.
7: tare zero to peel the peeled weight as tare tare to zero removal, non zero clear tare.

8 accumulation: when you do not need to print, you can add the current weight information to the current goods category to (zero and negative
Value does not accumulate, the two cumulative operation should be between 5 seconds interval, and storage of the current weight value.
9 tired display: display the current goods of the tired weight of the residence and the information of the pound.
Item 10: set the current goods category number 0~99.
11 number: number can be set up 10 lines of Chinese characters, numbers, letters and other symbols, and can be directly printed.

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